I was going through a ‘sensational’ blog last night. It is maintained by a ‘self-proclaimed’ messiah/watchdog of the Indian media. Nothing wrong in that except that I found his preference of Sasha Grey a little strange. (She had a brief mention in one of his posts) :)
Unfortunately, a comment on one of his posts has a mention of me too. (I am being called a moron in it) and I will skip the smiley this time.
Sometimes, I feel like keeping a blog like that. There is a lot of juicy gossip out there that can make ordinary readers feel like Playboy voyeurs and the writer, Hefner’s son in law. But then again I think about how I want to be remembered after I die. Long shot this but I let the arrow fly nevertheless. When you die you don’t really care where the bull is, do you?
Call it laziness or call it what you will. I can’t just let morons inspire me.
The last line was important. Don’t worry about it though. You wouldn’t understand it anyways.
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