Sunday, November 09, 2008

Wintry nights and racing rats

Pic: Delhi, November 2008
Winters always have had this habit. They change a lot of things. Every season, with the dropping leaves, an old chapter ends. Every year, during this time, I grow up.
Last year, Anand was here. This year, he isn’t.
Year before last, Crazy was here. This year, she isn’t.
Next year, something else will change.
Indra, do you remember those days? Dark green sweaters and gold striped ties. School went by slowly and winter by winter we all grew up. Or did we?
Each day passes by like a fleeting glimpse. I hear people complaining. I see them running, wrapping their dreams around the present — singing their own praises about whatever little they have — as if, they desperately need a word of acknowledgement to sleep well at night.
But isn’t acknowledgement like respect? You got to earn it, don’t you?
Thankfully, Neha is a refreshing change. She smiles and nags her way through the day, uncomplicated, unperturbed and lovely.
And what about me? I am still the same arrogant, insecure and proud bastard that you knew. And I still care a damn about the rats.


Anonymous said...

Wow...I really enjoyed reading this post. You have written after a really long time but whenever you do, the words just flow effortlessly.
Ofcourse, the bonus is that I am also featured in this post ;-)That ws nice :)

Anonymous said...

acknowledgments ought to be earned for sure....

keep writing and keep smiling