Once upon a time...well, chuck it
My stay in this world has been a turbulent struggle for existence. Today when I look back in anger, love, disgust and sorrow I see myself walking around, trying to make sense of things. And of all things that have shaped me, love has been the most forceful contributor. I had harbored dreams of perfect love….a perfect heart. Now I feel strongly that the mind is more important. Rationality and practicality are the truest ingredients to even dream of having a family and settling down. Your wish of having a partner of your choice depends on your financial capability. Though I don’t reject this theory outright, but it makes me wonder whether old-fashioned romance really exists. Whether losing your senses in the dark tresses of your beloved is still a cherished moment. I don’t know, but I have come to believe that love is more at home in the human liver than the heart, quite similar to what the medieval pundits used to believe. The simple reason being, money feeds us, food is important for love and the liver digests the food. This might seem like a far-fetched theory but think about it, it might make sense. Perhaps that is the reason I was having such a bad stomach ache last night. Perhaps it is the reason why I don’t trust anyone anymore. Because, the liver can love but trust was martyred in the heart.
I just knew this was coming. It had to. But, simple and well-written. Just wanted to say that I am there. Irrespective of what you would like to believe. And, the stomach ache was due to excess of alochol. Nothing else.
Liver, heart, stomach...all body part...SOUL...it is free of it, drown it in ur quest for pleasure and nirvana is a door step away.
hey! I dont agree with what u have written... it isnt about how much you earn...common dont be a pessimist... love and true love still exists without caring about how much you earn or dont... trust me it does...
Well written. But i totally disagree with the contents. Think there is still a lot of the old fashioned romance that lives on. And the one that depends on your wallet-power, is not romance at all (would not even like to mentioned the much hallowed word.. L**E).
Call me old-fashioned,or simply Old. This is what i believe.
A little odd to read coming from someone who wrote "One day you will ask me which is more important? my life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life"
Guess we all have contradicting parts within us
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