Compare the two. The shock value of the second one would be somewhat diluted if you incidentally fall among the modern types. Even then the first comment would still be 70% blasphemy to your conscience. My question to you is, “WHY?”
I am not campaigning for drugs. I am just asking for a piece of your ear so that I can leave a love bite. Well you see, the point I am trying to make is actually a question since truth is questionable. And I only speak the truth.
Condoms have not been invented to control only a ‘spurt’ in population. Their use gives everyone a level playing ground. Though some prefer to plug into each other to share mind-space, while standing. Nothing is unnatural about that. You tend to try out different angles to achieve the same explosive result.Drugs give you an angle. A different way of looking at life. A different perspective perhaps. Only in this case there is no climax. There is no sweat. No explosion. Only ecstasy.
A single condom murders more than one million sperms. A potential of one million human lives.The probability of a single drug wiping out even one of us is negligible compared to that.
Now you must be wondering how the hell this guy could have written such crap. My answer to that is….why the hell are you reading it then?Are you on drugs or what?
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