The value of gold is judged by its purity. The value of a diamond is judged by its carats. The value of an employee is judged by his contribution to an organisation. The value of a son in law is locked in his capability to keep his would-be wife happy.
But can anyone tell me how the value of human being is calculated?
I would love to know since I see so many of these guys being ignored. Some are ignored as managers, some as husbands, some as lovers, and some simply as men on the street…
All of us live each day. But how many of us actually “live” each moment?
If I talk freely now, I would perhaps decimate many a peaceful thought process.
But then, what’s the point? The destination is the same.
In between, it’s the warmth of the fire that matters.
Or so, I would love to believe.
Otherwise, it’s just a case of parasites taking over the world.
Now, why don’t you like being called a parasite?
well, i think value of human beings is calculated by the money they possess.. as in the way of the jungle, survival of the fittest prevails.. the fittest being the one with the most power.. as money directly equates to power in today's times.. the value of a human being is directly proportional to the money he possesses.. of course, after that comes secondary things like education, background, looks, virtues etc..
as for people being ignored as lovers or husbands.. this is something that will always be impossible to generalise or understand as a phenomenon in general.. and for parasites.. if considering the earth as the host.. every thing is a parasite, even crops.. and humans obviously the most guilty of the species..
The true value of a human being cannot be judged... the minute you can judge and put a value to it that is the moment it looses its importance and the person become nothing more than just a possession... do u want to be owned????
...what the heck!!! Why is no one talking about what he/she thinks about his/her ownself???? Don't you value your own self??? Gold, diamond,employee,son-in-law etc,etc...are all different types of 'common nouns' in life...and please do not forget about 'I' being the 'proper' of all the nouns!!!...it is not sin to be born as a human, but what you do and how you treat your life (everything related to and about it)...is what determines how valuable one is...rather...it all depends on how one values ones own self...and thus I end the vicious circle of the my own comment!!! :P
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