Pic: A morning in office, stairs where we smoke
These days I feel very exhausted. There is a slight tightness in my muscles since the time I have come back from Forbes. Sometimes I am hyper energetic, sometimes I feel eerily quiet.
For the past few days, I have been trying to find out the reason. And, I found out that it’s quite easy to point fingers. But that’s not the idea.
Sample this: Lost focus, poor time management, indiscipline, distractions, wanting too much at once, work pressure, family pressure, peer pressure, a nagging girlfriend—the list could go on for miles.
But all these attempts at trying to figure out the reason for my restlessness have yielded one good result. It made me wonder who or what I am…something like the assignment that all of us had broken our heads over in TSJ.
But this isn’t that easy. Collecting theories to be able to serve a platter of ideas cannot decipher a human being. Oh…at least I know that I am one!
Sometimes I look around me and I am not surprised. Waking up to an alarm, nerves strung out like a clothesline, making a cup of green tea, a shower and the mad rush to office—clueless.
Sometimes I wonder whether I am doing enough, sometimes I wonder whether I am going to bed at the right time. Everything seems to have a benchmark these days. Where’s the fun, I think out aloud.
Are we all going to die like this? Or is there a world out there without boundaries?