A friend of mine said that I am a melancholy guy, trying to be unhappy all the time. The melancholy attitude stems from observation. Whether it be the squirrel family on my balcony, or the swarm of people who I see running after that little bit of happiness in the shine of a big car, observation is of paramount importance to have a melancholy disposition.
Reiterates Aristotle,” Great men are always of a nature originally melancholy.” No, no, I am not thrusting greatness upon myself. I just want to say that observation is not that bad.
Let me put an example before you. Married couples fight over the man having a roving eye. Can you tell me why married women dress up in skimpy clothes and put on that sexy lipstick or perk up their tits with those push up bras before they leave home? Don’t give me the shit that they do it for their husbands.
They do it to look good? Oh yeah? For whom, may I ask? Don’t they like the appreciation in the eyes of men when they try so unsuccessfully to sashay down that pavement? Accept it. Just bloody accept it. Everyone is unfaithful in his or her mind.
Observation has a connection with melancholy because when you observe you see the truth, the truth, which no one wants to talk about. So what do you do?
Be melancholy or pretend to be one of them. I chose the former.
Reiterates Aristotle,” Great men are always of a nature originally melancholy.” No, no, I am not thrusting greatness upon myself. I just want to say that observation is not that bad.
Let me put an example before you. Married couples fight over the man having a roving eye. Can you tell me why married women dress up in skimpy clothes and put on that sexy lipstick or perk up their tits with those push up bras before they leave home? Don’t give me the shit that they do it for their husbands.
They do it to look good? Oh yeah? For whom, may I ask? Don’t they like the appreciation in the eyes of men when they try so unsuccessfully to sashay down that pavement? Accept it. Just bloody accept it. Everyone is unfaithful in his or her mind.
Observation has a connection with melancholy because when you observe you see the truth, the truth, which no one wants to talk about. So what do you do?
Be melancholy or pretend to be one of them. I chose the former.
I don't know if to be gloomy meas reality than I'm all for it but then there is some happiness among the dark clouds. Yes it is there but only those who know what darkness is see a shadow in the corner and I blv there are many like me who are in love with that shadow....so who cares. When they all smile I kept quiet for I know I'll have a much darker night.
saw ur profile on Orkut..and wondered if you're the person I knew..Ever went to East West college, B'lore?
Sorry for the bother if I'm wrong..
Nisha Malhotra
You might wanna disagree, with this one. No actually i m sure you will.
For men it's not who they are, but the image they want to potray..men by nature are boastful. So u have the term 'trophy wife'. When a woman dresses up..wears lipstick..push up bras etc etc, even for strangers (yes she does it all for some strangers on the road not for some estranged lover)it's because she wants to make a point 'Yes i m the trophy wife..jealous of my man are you?' Unlike a man whose roving eyes, in most cases, are seeking pleasure...
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